WHY do we exist?
As a firm, we are passionate about making our clients more competitive, more alert to the circumstances of their environment, and more able to develop formidable advantages over time. It is our pleasure to apply the force our intellect, our efforts, and our careers to help others achieve this strategic resonance in their activities. Creating real value is perhaps the most elusive and difficult of all goals; we accept this challenge.
HOW do we do what we do?
We help our clients achieve these results by giving them the tools to look deeply into their projects, causes, and operations and create powerful insights about their most important issues. We use unique frameworks, models, and processes to put these insights to work generating results. And we use these results to create great value for shareholders and stakeholders.
WHAT do we do for our clients?
We help them to understand their context for action, to diagnose the key obstacles to forward progress, and then to develop the strategic and operational agendas of the organization needed to generate superior results in their work.
Our clients have access to a portfolio of services that span a unique range of practice areas. Every client is a case to be solved that has unique structural and environmental factors, and we often spend hours with our clients simply helping them assess and diagnose their current situation. Fees are never incurred until all parties see how engagement is mutually beneficial.
What are some EXAMPLES of these efforts in action?
Contributors to our firm have:
Assisted startup companies and entrepreneurial projects to get off the ground powerfully and efficiently, across a range of industries
Planned, designed, and entitled more than a billion dollars worth of real estate development projects
Won multiple year, grueling entitlement battles
Successfully lobbied lawmakers for specific political outcomes at local, state, and national levels
Interfaced with government bodies for political outcomes at all levels and on hundreds of varied projects
Put candidates in office with excellent reliability
Facilitated community education projects, community outreach, and other activities that turned negative public sentiment into strong, vocal, public support
Provided advisory services, strategy consultation, and speech writing for many government officials in both national and local elected offices
Conducted corporate intelligence and due diligence research for discerning private companies
Assisted media organizations in deep cover research gathering on topics ranging from political impropriety to exposé headlines
Conducted strategic due diligence for groups of private investors in the US and globally
And much more….
What is our vision of the future?
One of the unique ways in which we lead the market is in a field we call "sociopolitical strategy". In fact, we believe that there is a powerful convergence of organizational and social forces in today's world, and it affects the costs and opportunities in EVERY market.
The political landscape is only becoming more complex, not less. Interfacing with government entities is becoming an increasingly unavoidable step in almost every area of private business. Groundswell social forces are completely rewriting the laws of branding and removing control from companies about how the world sees their brands and products.
It is already true that projects must focus relentlessly on both mindshare and marketshare. They can no longer afford to chase only their profits. Sociopolitical forces will hold greater and greater power over even the smallest companies. And due to the fiercening of competition in almost every industry, companies that achieve success will be the companies that can operate strategically. The centrality of strategy in achieving success is no longer in question.
Companies must excellently engage their structural factors (markets, products, costs, scale, profits, technology, and positioning). But they must also master their social and political factors as well.
And to once again state our position on these matters: we accept the challenge.