What products & services do we offer?
"We get in, we gain understanding, we get results, and then we get out."
At a very basic level, all consulting firms offer some combination of 8 basic products:
1. Counsel
2. Research
3. Analysis
4. Insight
5. Design work
6. Operational support
7. Project-based support
8. Results
These products are a critical component of our work. They allow us to deliver real value to our clients, and to give them the ability to solve their most important management problems, create value, master the competitive dynamics of their marketplace, and influence their fate. How simple or complex a case will be is different for every situation.
Our commitment to our clients is clear: no bottomless consulting contracts. We get in, we gain understanding, we get results, and then we get out. At the conclusion of our work, you will have a product that adds value for shareholders and stakeholders. We believe that long-term relationships with clients are earned.
The few long term contracts that we accept are those to where long term engagement is in the best interest of the client--but these are, by far, a minority of our engagements.
The services we offer are a reflection on our firm's culture--how it is that we engage the cases brought to us. Every client situation is different. We take a concierge-approach to our business, and individually tailor our services to our clients needs and desires. Some examples include:
Serving as intermediaries between groups of stakeholders (government entities, community groups, suppliers, sponsors, investors, service providers, etc)
Leading full discovery, strategy, and implementation processes
Leading educational and training initiatives within organization to ensure that strategy and implementaion activities can be effectively installed
Serving as an ally and advisor to company executives as they tackle their most difficult problems
Assisting investors in their due diligence processes
Acting as an Owners' Representative for large development projects
Designing systems, processes, and products for organizations and their projects
Becoming a strong, and public, advocate when dealing with governmental, political, or community groups
Creating unique and powerful presentations to be delivered to a wide range of audiences
And much more...